Welcome to JManimas Democracy Magazine for February 2009

In Heaven Forever

Copyright 2009, John Manimas Medeiros

When I was a child, I was taught that if I was good I would go to Heaven and live there forever.

This could be true, scientifically true. Let me explain.

Heaven is what we see when we look upward, and of course we know that when we look upward we are actually looking outward, from the surface of the Earth out to the heavens or outward at what we call "outer space." Although, the space we are looking at is not really "outer" or "inner" or anywhere except that it is the universe. The universe is more than ninety percent "space" and if I were living in "the heavens," or if anyone were living in "the heavens," they would be living in the space which is -- if we are to accept heaven as a scientific reality -- heaven. There is an important difference between living on the surface of a planet, especially a planet made of stone (feldspar and granite) with a core of iron and nickel. Planet Earth exerts a significant force of gravity.

What do "aliens" look like? What does their physical characteristics tell us about where they live and how they live? We actually have a significant body of "knowledge" that answers these two questions, although many people, including many of those who present themselves to the world as "scientists" ignore such knowledge. Regardless of what anyone thinks about the source of our perception of aliens, and the credibility of the information we have, we possess a specific and substantial description of aliens. The most common description is that of the "tall grays" or a shorter version of gray-skinned being, which is often described as having a gray-green or gray-blue skin color, and as being about four feet tall, with four digits on the hand rather than five.

The "typical" alien known to us today is similar to us in some very important ways and at the same time also different from us in some very important ways. The body shape is very similar, being a torso with two legs, having an upright standing and walking posture, two arms, one head of course with two eyes, two small nose openings and a mouth and the ears on the side of the head are either very small or hidden under the surface skin. If one accepts the physical traits seen in the film Alien Autopsy, then we find that there is a set of very important and surprising, perhaps even shocking differences. The eyes have a protective film which is either manufactured or secreted. Possibly this protective film over the eyes is similar to skin. It could be secreted or grown over the eye surface and gradually "worn away" with use in a manner similar to our own skin tissue. The mouth is very small and has no teeth and does not appear to be employed for audible speech. The head is larger than ours in proportion to the body. There are no external genital organs. What is most surprising and a great challenge to us is that we do not find the same set of many separate organs in the torso and abdominal cavity. There appears to be a mass of tissue that supports the life of the individual similar in some way to the internal substance found in the torso-like body or "thorax" of an insect. The small, toothless mouth suggests that if it is used to take in food, that food must be either liquid or a homogeneous jelly that is easily absorbed or "digested."

This description came to us over many years, actually over centuries, from many witnesses and was finally presented most clearly as a "body type" by Whitley Strieber in his Communion books. While many people regard this information as fantasy or some form of common hallucination, it is also widely accepted. This view of what an alien looks like is so widely accepted it is printed in books and on tee shirts. It appears on signs and little dolls of rubber or plastic aliens are sold to be used as entertaining decorations in cars or in homes. If you look around yourself and see these images and effigies of aliens, you might consider that we act as though they do exist and we consider them to be a part of our culture. They are a part of our culture.

Given the physical description we have of aliens, what does that description tell us about how and where they live? What do we know, or believe, about the life of an alien? First, they live in "space," which means, as I previously suggested, in Heaven. Do they live there for a short time, just like we live on Earth for a short time, or do they live there "forever." If they live in space, in peace, or "happily" forever, or at least for a very long time, does that mean they live in the spatial or "spacious" heaven because they were good?

These questions may seem at first to be silly or ridiculous, but what I am doing here is explaining how the religious "myth" I was taught as a child, that I would live in heaven forever if I was good while living on Earth, could in fact be scientifically true. In order to grasp this scientific possibility in detail, we have to examine it in parts. This process is called "the reconciliation of science and religion." For this particular project, we need to consider how the aliens, as described to us and for us, live in space. We also need to know what could be true, scientifically, about what will happen to us if "we are good during our life on Earth."

First, let us take up how the aliens live in space-heaven, and how our own science, including the theory of relativity, would affect their lives. The physical description of aliens exists alongside a body of knowledge about how and when they visit Earth and sometimes visit us. They visit primarily at night, although there are some daytime sittings. Those who study the "UFO literature" as I do know that the great majority of alien encounters or UFO visitations occur when it is around 3:00 am at the location of the incident. This means that the UFO or alien appearance occurs when the sun is on the other side of the planet. The visits occur primarily on the "dark side of the Earth." This suggests strongly that the vision of the aliens is different from ours. I believe that the reason such a high percentage of appearances occur during what we call "night" is because they can see fine at night and we cannot. They do not want us to see them, probably because we are dangerous to them when we see them. This may be similar to the way a mountain gorilla is dangerous to us if it sees us. Most UFO sittings suggest that intelligent beings in the UFO are observing us or conducting some kind of research. Or, they actually visit our planet to accomplish some necessary routine that involves extracting a resource or energy from the Earth. Although they may need to visit Earth, or a planet like Earth from time to time, they do actually live in space. It could also be said, as has been observed by many UFO researchers, that they consider Earth to be a kind of home or station stop and we humans are not justified in considering the Earth to be exclusively our property.

Let's examine what it might mean, in terms of physical reality, if the aliens we "know" do live in space. We know that when we endeavor to leave the surface of the Earth and escape the Earth's gravity to travel in space, such as to the moon, we must travel upward at about 18,000 miles per hour. This is a very high velocity that causes the astronauts to experience extreme "G" forces or gravity forces. This means that they experience a pressure downward on their bodies that is measured as a multiple of "one gravity force." We of course always experience one gravity force but our bodies experience gravity continuously and we therefore adjust to it and gravity is so routine to our existence that it is not "registered" as a feeling or perception. We simply experience gravity as that which pulls us downward if we are not positioned on a solid object. We need to re-examine this force of gravity and its effect on us, because it is probably the cause of aging. When we are traveling upward at 18,000 miles per hour in order to escape the Earth's gravity, we experience tremendous G forces. Einstein's theory of relativity makes the force of gravity essentially equal to the force called "acceleration." In other words, according to the language of physics and of mathematics, any force of acceleration, any force that pushes an object or moves that object from a state of "inertia" or from a "still" position is essentially the same as gravity. Gravity equals acceleration, in effect. The force of gravity is the force of acceleration of any object, including one of us, falling from a tower. That same force of gravity is the cause of the "acceleration" that pushes downward on an astronaut in a rocket traveling upward. However, there is no experience of "acceleration" when the same astronauts are 50,000 miles away from the Earth and still traveling 18,000 miles per hour in "space." Once the astronauts "escape" the Earth's gravity, and especially when they are a substantial distance from the Earth, both Einstein's physics and Newton's physics apply: the astronauts are "weightless." They do not feel the great force of gravity that is exerted by a solid planet. This tells us that even when traveling at high speed, a living organism does not experience acceleration or gravity when traveling in space, and presumably even if traveling at the velocity of light or faster than the velocity of light.

Einstein's theories tell us that if we did travel faster than the velocity of light, we could travel a great distance away and then return and we would find that our companions on Earth had aged many years more than we did during our trip. Now when we ask how this could occur, the usual explanation from Einsteinian physicists is to claim that "relativity" is the cause of this phenomenon. The light traveler's time is much shorter than the time of a person who is just occupying a relatively "inert" location on Earth. This is all very interesting, but it also suggests another possibility, and that possibility is that gravity is the cause of aging. It could be scientifically true that if a human organism lived in space, with no force of gravity or acceleration acting upon it, that human body would not age. It would be possible to live indefinitely, or "forever," if we lived in space. There is apparently a dark side to living forever in space. We know from our few trips into space that the lack of gravity has other effects. Calcium leaves the bones. Muscles shrink and become weak. The inner ear and any other organs that enable us to orient ourselves spatially can begin to stop functioning. When we live in space, we no longer experience gravity, and our bodies appear to immediately begin a process of physical change that amounts to nothing less than adjusting to the physical environment of "zero-gravity" in space. This should not be easily accepted. It is in fact astounding. How could our bodies be that flexible? How far would these changes go if a human being lived in space, without gravity, for months or years? We have reason to suspect the body would change so much that a return to life on the surface of the Earth would be extremely difficult, perhaps impossible. The muscles and bones might not even support the body. The human accustomed to zero gravity might not even be able to breath or eat or carry on other normal bodily functions. It is possible that the heart would fail from the sudden increase in force needed to circulate blood.

Our excursion into the lives of aliens has been fascinating, don't you think? Another religious "myth" I was taught as a child was that God made us in "his image." That is an interesting concept. It seems to mean that we look physically like God. That would mean that God looks like us, or it means that if we were to see God, God would look like a human person. This is of course a fascinating concept. There is no scientific reason to assume that a superior being that is believed to have created us must look like us. However, if we were "created" by superior aliens, then we already know that we look like them, and that is like saying we are made "in their image" with two arms, two legs, two eyes, a nose and mouth, and one head that encloses one brain. We do not look like alligators or bears or dogs or snakes or beetles. We look like a "tall gray."

Now let's examine the "religious myth" that if we are good we will live in heaven forever, happily and in peace. What will happen if we are good? What does it mean "if we are good." The answer I propose in my book The Primacy of Stewardship is that "being good" means we humans are good stewards as a species. That is, we understand the message of Jesus as a scientific message telling us that the importance of "good stewardship" is not that it is only a moral concept or a recommendation for kindness and virtue but is in fact a scientific truth. The scientific truth is, in my viewpoint, that good stewardship is the way the universe works; good stewardship means that if intelligent beings or technological animals (such as we humans) take care of the life-supporting environment on a planet like Earth, they are selected to continue to be caretakers of life in the universe. That means they "join" the "tall grays" in the kingdom of heaven, meaning they become able to live in the "heaven" we know as "space" and that means they are no longer subject to the aging that is caused by gravity or Einstein's "acceleration."

So, you see, it could be scientifically true that if we are good and we take good care of life on Earth we will be accepted into the fellowship of the kingdom of heaven, the fellowship of intelligent beings who actually live in space, and patrol the universe to observe and examine and take care of life in the universe. Doesn't this all make perfect sense? After all, if technological beings such as us do not become good stewards and instead present a risk of danger to life, and we perform acts of destruction, then we are not wanted as caretakers of life in the universe. We will be considered "unqualified" or "disqualified" if we are not good stewards. We would then be "condemned" to live, or expire in time, not as any dumb and innocent animal, but as an animal that presents a very great and unacceptable danger to life in the universe. The aliens have thin arms and legs. They are not muscular. They have narrow necks supporting their large heads. They live in space. They take care of life in the universe. They are the guardians of life in the universe. They do not want their garden to be destroyed. This all makes perfect sense, doesn't it? The Old Testament is discredited on many grounds, one being that we cannot find with certainty any location on Earth that is definitely the "Garden of Eden." But it could be that the Garden of Eden was not on the surface of the Earth. It could be that the original Garden, where we were safe and enjoyed constant peace and satisfaction, was in space. And when we were "thrown out" of the Garden of Eden, we were "thrown down" to the surface of Earth, where we have to work very hard to live, experience all forms of pain and insecurity, and age and die.

- End -

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